For Consignment Items Seller

We will take full responsibility for the storage and management of your items, so please feel free to leave them with us.

  • The selling price will be set at a price that is in line with the market, including our 15% commission, and as close to the customer's request as possible. We do not charge any other fees. You may change the price after listing at any time.
  • We only sell mechanical watches. Please understand that we may not be able to accept some items depending on their contents.
  • Payment should be made within two weeks after the sale of the product. However, please note that payment may be delayed slightly during the summer and winter holidays.
  • For customers who wish to sell in-store and on the web, please enclose a copy of your ID card and a description of the item (we also accept emails). If you have one, please enclose it with the item. After the item arrives, we will return it to you and send you a deposit slip.

For Consignment Item Buyer

  • We offer a 3-day cooling-off period for all of our products, including consignment items. We accept returns as long as the item is in the same condition as when purchased. Please note that the customer is responsible for the handling fee when returning the item.
  • For items that have been serviced by us at the time of purchase, we can provide a one-year repair warranty, as well as products sold by us. Please contact us individually for the cost.
  • The condition reports and descriptions of consignment items without comments from customers are based on our own evaluation of the items. Please let us know if there are any errors.

In addition, some credit card companies do not accept payment by mail order for items sold on consignment, so please contact us for details.
We are looking forward to working with you.